09 Sep

Closer to home, this morning I joined the Carers Support Group at Dyffryn Chapel in Caerau for tea and cake. I am grateful to Kay John-Williams, Dementia and Carers Link Support Worker for the invite. 

As a Caerau boy born and bred, who has lived and worked in the village of my birth - I was able to talk about the role of High Sheriff, my own life, professional career and my own experience as a carer to my elderly Mam. 

It was lovely to meet everyone in the group and we exchanged views on the challenges that face carers. Many of these challenges can easily be addressed with some simple joined up thinking, straightforward first point of contact assistance, support, and far less individual and systematic buck passing. I know everyone wants the same thing - so let's get heads together and solve the problems that frustrate our most valuable assets – CARERS. 

It's not all about money either, but carers are saving governments hundreds of millions, if not billions of pounds a year. Some of this saved cash could provide a lot more for those who are being cared for and the carers,

It's not always easy to share the difficulties of life with others - but support groups, while not for everyone can be a literal life saver. 

Often the bravest thing we do in our lives is ask for help.  If you are a carer and facing challenges - you are not alone. Someone, somewhere, has experienced the exact same or very similar challenges as yourself at some point. Think about contacting or attending a local carers group - it maybe the best decision you ever made.

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