Together, the High Sheriff of West Glamorgan and I met with the newly elected South Wales Constabularies Police and Crime Commissioner Emma Wools.
Delivering justice and ensuring a policing service fit for the future are Ms Wools priorities. In a fast-changing world it is a difficult task.
It was a wonderful opportunity for us two High Sheriffs to hear the Commissioner's priorities for community policing, crime prevention, protecting the vulnerable and victims of crime, particularly the ever increasing and ever complex online variety of criminal activity. We also explored common areas of concern – the danger of social media along with the phenomenon’s positive aspects.
The many aspect of common good the Constabulary can provide were discussed. Community and statutory service collaboration can be so powerful. These include the value of cadets and youth involvement in structured activities, becoming positive community role models and the enormous resources in the community that can be mobilised as a force to benefit us all.
I have had the honour of seeing so many examples of the above so far during my year. Pôb lwc Comisiynydd in your new role and the opportunity for collaboration with the Shrievalty.