Parc Prison has experienced tragic events in recent times. This has undoubtedly had an adverse impact on its prison population and staff.
Such events must not become regular occurrences. Despite the huge challenges such a goal presents, there is a determination to ensure it is successfully achieved. Today I visited G4s HM Parc Prison and Probation Service, together with the High Sheriff of West Glamorgan and High Sheriff of Powys. Together we had an informative briefing and discussion, with Director Will Styles, senior management and prison staff, who are focussed on reaching their vital goal.
Our visit focused on the ground-breaking and innovative work being undertaken at the Young Persons Unit, where the extraordinary staff are pursuing an "Enrichment Programme" that aims to inspire the young people under their charge, to develop personal skills and positive attitudes. An ambitious post-sentences target, but certainly an admirable one.
There is much to do, but as the Welsh idiom: ‘hanner y daith cychwyn’ confirms, half the journey is starting out. Even at this early stage of the programme’s development, today I experienced a positive and supportive environment, with staff working hard to achieve the balance between the need to detain individuals safely and securely for their crimes, while addressing the need for necessary rehabilitation and support - all of which has a role in protecting the public.
As a society, we can look forward to seeing how this positive work engenders and improves a positive culture across HMP Parc. Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome and open discussion, it was greatly appreciated.