As someone who has challenged Governments when the need arises, for all the faults on this island and there are many, Britain remains a great place to live. We should be proud of our status as a beacon of fairness and a nation of positive opportunity to most of the rest of the world.
Consequently, it is always a pleasure, indeed a touching experience to attend a Citizenship Ceremony, for those who recognise the positive qualities of our nation. I have to say, the welcoming arms of Wales, a land they have already come to love and offer such positive contributions to our nations and communities. Today, I attended one such event in Bridgend, where eleven people gained British Citizenship from a range of countries.
Bulgaria, Angola, India, France, Russian Federation, Turkey, Egypt, Thailand, Philippines and the USA. All have varied life journeys and have jumped through numerous hoops and overcome numerous challenges and at a financial cost to achieve their Citizenship.
It was a distinct pleasure, deeply humbling and educational to hear so many unique stories. Believe me, it would benefit swathes of our population to hear their experiences.
I wish all our new citizens the very best for the future.
Croeso cynnes i Brydain ac yn enwedig Cymru i chi gyd. Croeso i eich Mwynhewch fywyd gwych a boddhaus.
A warm welcome to Britain and especially Wales, to you all. Enjoy a great and fulfilling life.