Make no mistake, the very best of British is found in our public servants. The most illustrious and honourable are our Armed Forces. Faced with the grimmest of realities, they get their jobs done.
The British Armed Forces are admired across the globe. Highly trained, professional and without a doubt unbendingly brave, this island and others; are in eternal debt to the men and women who keep us safe at all times. During the worst of times, the ultimate sacrifice is always a distinct possibility. Truly remarkable people.
Today, Bridgend did our Armed Forces and Mid-Glamorgan proud with an Armed Forces Day that recognised and celebrated the enormous appreciation for those who wear the uniform and serve.
I was humbled, honoured and privileged to open the Armed Forces Day which was the culmination of a week of National Events. The aim was to demonstrate our support for the Armed Forces community, from current serving personnel and their families, to veterans, reservists, cadets and the charities that do so much in support. All were represented.
A whopping turnout by the public, was not just due to the kind weather, but a desire to exhibit their gratitude to our magnificent military personnel. The best of us honoured and treasured.
While honouring our military can be solemn events, Armed Forces Day is different. It acknowledges the tragedy and sadness of serving in the Armed Forces, but that is mainly left to November and Armistice Day. This day is different. It was a celebration of thanks to our personnel and to whoever and whatever guides these precious people who choose to serve the nation and that we actually have such remarkable people among us.
Meeting the various cadets who, I must say, were an inquisitive lot, was a real joy. So to the Veterans and current military personnel. Each generation, the past – present and future can be justifiably proud of each other and what they represent.
A range of musical sets kept people entertained, but the most important, touching and inspiring event was the Parade. I must admit to feeling emotional, when receiving the recognition of the selfless heroes during their March.
Congratulations to everyone who made the day such a success. These included Bridgend Town Council, South Wales Constabulary, Welsh Guards, Military Wives, The Royal Welsh, Parachute Regiment, Lads and Dads. All the choirs and other entertainers. Charities and so many more military representatives. If you have website or social media platforms - drop me an email through this website and I'll include them on the site.
The day would not have been a success without the general public turn-out. I know your support was greatly appreciated.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, i chi gyd.
This You Tube video is credited to Colin Prosser - with grateful thanks for recording this special occasion.