05 Dec

Tenovus well and truly got me into the Christmas spirit, with two truly touching musical and faith affirming events. Both were Lovelight Christmas Concerts, both were superb musical treats which raised vital funds for the charity for it to continue with the vital work it undertakes in our communities. 

On Wednesday it was the Tabernacle Church Merthyr Tydfil where I met up with Mid-Glamorgan’s Deputy Lieutenant, Jeff Edwards. The audience was entertained by volunteer choristers, who have all in some way, been affected by cancer themselves. 

This uplifting concert also offered a candlelit moment of reflection, where families and friends came together to remember and honour loved ones lost, while also sharing hope and strength with people affected by cancer. 

This thoroughly enjoyable evening was hosted by Fiona Taylor. Splendid performances from the Sing With Us Choir, Cyfarthfa Park Primary School, Cyfarthfa Primary School, Soloist Nathan Coles and show stealing pieces from the youngsters of the Cerys Driscoll Music School. 

Then on Thursday evening St Mary's Church, Bridgend hosted the Bridgend Tenovus concert. 

Once again the musical entertainment was absolutely superb. Harpist Catrin Finch, singer Catrin Southall and the children of Croesty Primary School were all exceptional. Huw Irranca-Davies was host. What is it about the collective voices of children giving their all to entertain that causes hearts to soar?

There was a lovely welcome from CEO Judi Rhys and it was great to see Deputy Mayor Ian Spiller

There are 16 Tenovus choirs across Wales, raising vital funds for this exceptional charity and giving the mutual support - so important to those affected by cancer, in treatment and recovery, whether patient or family members. 

Diolch yn Fawr iawn pawb. A particular thank you must be afforded to sponsor ROCKWOOL. Thank you for the invite and opportunity to participate.

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